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Neurological Eponyms - de (Relié - Nov 30, 2000) (Author)

Caractéristiques Neurological Eponyms

Le paragraphe suivant montre les points spécifiques du Neurological Eponyms

Le Titre Du FichierNeurological Eponyms
Date de Lancement
TraducteurAanaya Aryanna
Numéro de Pages630 Pages
La taille du fichier69.88 MB
Langue du LivreFrançais & Anglais
Type de LivreePub PDF AMZ AZW TR2
Créateur(Relié - Nov 30, 2000)
Nom de FichierNeurological-Eponyms.pdf

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neurological eponyms Download neurological eponyms or read online here in PDF or EPUB Please click button to get neurological eponyms book now Télécharger Gratuits Neurological Eponyms eBook EPUB The selection of eponyms was based on the frequency of use familiarity of clinical neurologists with the concept and the significance within neurology of the individual who coined the eponym This

The selection of eponyms was based on the frequency of use familiarity of clinical neurologists with the concept and the significance within neurology of the individual who coined the eponym This volume covers some of the classic ideas in the history of clinical neurology It will be of interest to neurologists neuroscientists medical historians and their students and trainees

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